Jason’s Deli in Schaumburg, IL is a hidden gem. I had been going to Costco right across the street from this restaurant for years and while I had seen the sign for the restaurant numerous times, I didn’t think of going in there. Why? Well from the street, I couldn’t really see the building. You have to follow the driveway to the back of the building before you see its entrance. Plus, I always thought to myself… I don’t want to go to a deli! Well, was I wrong! It’s now one of my favorite places to go! My friend Andy suggested we consider this restaurant for our lunches because he knew how much I loved a restaurant called Sweet Tomatoes. It was a salad buffet restaurant that offered a huge array of salad ingredients and also soups, pizza, pasta and ice cream. We’d go there because we could get as much as we wanted and stay and talk as long as we wanted. Nobody ...
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